San Pedro Water & Sewerage Project

Period: October 1994 - January 1996
Contract: San Pedro Water & Sewerage Project. Contract A. Reservoir. Sewerage Stabilization Ponds/Access Road.
Country: Belize
Employer: Johnston Int'l Ltd.
Employer's Address: P.O. Box 70, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Island, British West Indies, Tel: 809-946-4279
Nature of Works:

A. Reservoir.
Construction of a .5 million gallons concrete water reservoir on a piled foundation.

Salient Points are:

  • 40 plus concrete piles (5,500 p.s.i.) were constructed, driven and capped.
  • 622 cubic meters of 35 mpa concrete was poured.
  • 93 tonnes of rebar was bent and placed.
  • 318 square meters of 295 cm and 143 cm blocks placed

Contract Period – 9 months.

B. Sewerage Stabilization Pond/Access Road
A 1,400m long, 6m wide access road was constructed as an access road to construct a 30 acre sewerage pond. The road and ponds were constructed on reclaimed mangrove landusing locally available fill on the island.

Salient Points are:
– 125,300 m2 Bi-directional Geogrid BX1100 was placed for the ponds. – 121,679 compacted m3 of fill was supplied to construct the ponds base and berms. Fill was excavated from the mangrove swamp.

Role: Sole Contractor
Total Value of Contract: BZ $5,179,000.00 US $2,589,500.00
Contract Awarded:
Period: 14 months
Completion Date: January 1996
Funding Agency:
